Posted by: River of Hope Hutchinson | October 27, 2010

Change of Season

As I listen to the wind vigorously call for a change of season and watch the river waters tumble and flow in cooperation with the wind, thoughts of ROH seep into my mind.  We have been vigorous, cooperative and diligent in our journey to form a new church community.  Praise be to God for guiding, prodding, and bringing us together, awesome is the Lord!

Please take a deep breath and enjoy the coming Thanksgiving and Advent Services, there will be much to enjoy.  ROH will participate in an ecumenical Thanksgiving Service that will be held at the UCC on Tuesday, November 23 at 7 PM.  This will be a wonderful time of partnership and thanksgiving within our worshipping community.  Giving thanks and praise to God will lead us into the Advent Season where we will collaborate with Vineyard in decorating and services.  Definite information will be forwarded to all of you as soon as details are completely worked out.

ROH now has an established checking account at Citizens Bank; therefore, you no longer need to write checks to the synod for ROH, they can be written directly to ROH.  John Paulsen has consented to act as treasurer, along with finance members Rolly Balke, Jim Mills, and Josh Hoffman, a huge thank you to this group for sharing their talents.

As I bring this brief update to a close, I must say “thank you, thank you” to Chris Dobratz for his stellar leadership that has steered us to this point.  The Lord truly worked through Chris to lay the foundation for ROH.  Praise God for you, Chris!

In Christ,
Nancy Redetzke

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